UVMune 400 Invisible Fluid Fragrance-Free SPF50+ 50ml 全效廣譜輕盈防曬隔離乳液 SPF50+ 理膚泉防曬 [Parallel Import][平行進口]

La Roche-Posay Anthelios UVMune 400 Invisible Fluid Fragrance-Free SPF50+ 50ml is a facial sunscreen that provides very high protection of UVA and UVB radiation. This new and improved formula of La Roche-Posay Anthelios Anthelios Ultra-Light Invisible Fluid SPF50+ features now a new exclusive filter—Mexoryl 400—in a lightweight formula that resists water, sweat and sand.

Its weightless texture is invisible upon application and is suitable for all skin types and phototypes. Equally important, this fragrance-free, dermatologically, and ophthalmologically tested formula makes is non-sticky and non-greasy, can be applied around the eyes and is suitable even for sensitive skin. 


你可以永遠相信理膚泉對於UVA防曬力的追求! La Roche-Posay的Anthelios UVMune 400隱形防曬霜SPF50+添加了獨家配方MEXORYL400,有助於保護皮膚免受UVA、UVB和超長UVA射線的傷害。


需定期補塗以維持防曬保護,特別是在游泳、 出汗或毛巾後。外部使用。

蘊含最新防曬濾劑Mexoryl 400 - 有助抵禦極長波^UVA
短期影響 - 即時及持續皮膚變黑
中期影響 - 免疫系統疾病
長期影響 - 光老化,甚至皮膚癌

‧ 高度防水﹑防汗﹑防沙
‧ 含獨家NETLOCK防護網狀科技 - 在肌膚上形成清透防護網,幫助於肌膚表面鎖住防曬成份
‧ 蘊含維他命E - 高效抗氧
‧ 8小時持久保濕*****


La Roche-Posay Anthelios UVMune 400 Invisible Fluid Fragrance-Free SPF50+ 50ml is a facial sunscreen that provides very high protection of UVA and UVB radiation. This new and improved formula of La Roche-Posay Anthelios Anthelios Ultra-Light Invisible Fluid SPF50+ features now a new exclusive filter—Mexoryl 400—in a lightweight formula that resists water, sweat and sand.

Its weightless texture is invisible upon application and is suitable for all skin types and phototypes. Equally important, this fragrance-free, dermatologically, and ophthalmologically tested formula makes is non-sticky and non-greasy, can be applied around the eyes and is suitable even for sensitive skin. 


你可以永遠相信理膚泉對於UVA防曬力的追求! La Roche-Posay的Anthelios UVMune 400隱形防曬霜SPF50+添加了獨家配方MEXORYL400,有助於保護皮膚免受UVA、UVB和超長UVA射線的傷害。


需定期補塗以維持防曬保護,特別是在游泳、 出汗或毛巾後。外部使用。

蘊含最新防曬濾劑Mexoryl 400 - 有助抵禦極長波^UVA
短期影響 - 即時及持續皮膚變黑
中期影響 - 免疫系統疾病
長期影響 - 光老化,甚至皮膚癌

‧ 高度防水﹑防汗﹑防沙
‧ 含獨家NETLOCK防護網狀科技 - 在肌膚上形成清透防護網,幫助於肌膚表面鎖住防曬成份
‧ 蘊含維他命E - 高效抗氧
‧ 8小時持久保濕*****
